Jursonovics, T. (2015). Content pricing in iptv. Master's thesis, Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. [ bib | .pdf ]
Jursonovics, T. (2014). Enhanced Methods for IPTV Delivery over Wireless Networks. Ph. D. thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. [ bib | .pdf ]
The rapid development of the wireless access technologies challenged the IPTV platform operators to exploit this new medium, although the IPTV systems were designed for fixed transport, and they cannot easily accommodate to the mobile environment. Two aspect of this challenge are analyzed in this dissertation: the bandwidth allocation and packet retransmission; and the charging solutions. First, a Markovian channel model is created, which is able to capture the specific requirements of the multimedia transmission in wireless networks, then new methods are developed for bandwidth allocation and packet retransmission for ensuring optimal user experience. The second part introduces a novel quality based charging architecture for IPTV solutions, and provides the necessary considerations to implement this method for mobile networks. All the results are evaluated on theoretical basis, which was supported by measurements conducted in two testbeds. The results increase the service quality and mitigate the negative effect of wireless transport by providing new functions and design processes for IPTV solutions. The quality based charging ensures a fair and simple billing method with the aim of gain customer satisfaction.
Jursonovics, T. and S. Imre (2014). Quality based charging solutions for wireless multimedia services. International Journal of Network Management. [ bib | DOI ]
The evolution of mobile telecommunication networks and access bandwidth enabled operators to deliver IPTV services for mobile customers, however the existing mobile charging solutions are not effectively addressing the billing requirements of multimedia streams. This paper develops a quality based charging solution for 3GPP wireless networks, with the aim of providing a fair pricing solution for multimedia services. An appropriate business model is selected and a streaming proxy based charging architecture is developed based on the quality of the multimedia service. The proposed algorithms are theoretically evaluated by the derivation of the formulas of the distribution and the expected value of the price discount. A testbed is built and the findings are evaluated and compared with traditional charging functions.
Jursonovics, T. and S. Imre (2013). Bandwidth management in wireless home networks for iptv solutions. International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 2013, 7. [ bib | DOI ]
The optimal allocation of the retransmission bandwidth is essential for IPTV Service Providers to ensure maximal service quality. This paper highlights the relevance of the wireless transport in today.s IPTV Solution and discusses how this new media effects the existing broadcast technologies. A new Markovian channel model is developed to address the optimization issues of the retransmission throughput and a new method is presented which is evaluated by empirical measurements followed by mathematical analysis.
Jursonovics, T. (2011). A testbeszéd szerepe és megértése nemzetközi projektekben. In Projekt Menedzsment a Gazdaságban, pp. 125-130. HTE. [ bib | .pdf ]
A projektvezető sikere szempontjából egy fontos tényező a kommunikáció, aminek elemi és lényeges formáj a a testbeszéd, azonban ennek megértése alulértékelt a gyakorlatban. A cikkben rámutatok a testbeszéd szerepére, kiemelten a nemzetközi projektek esetében, illetve bemutatok egy gyakorlati megoldást, aminek segítségével a megértése nagymértékben elősegíthető.
Jursonovics, T. and S. Imre (2011). Analysis of a new markov model for packet loss characterization in iptv solutions. Infocommunications Journal 2, 28-33. [ bib | .pdf ]
Several methods have been developed for packet loss characterization in IP networks, typically introducing Markov models. On the one hand these techniques are performing well in the description of real time communication but on the other hand they are not able to perfectly describe the content delivery of an IPTV Solution extended with application level packet retransmission. This specific problem has been introduced and addressed by this paper with the aim of creating a simple but more accurate traffic model on the UNIT-17 interface for IPTV systems. Analysis of the implemented new Markov chain has been conducted to express its major parameters in a closed mathematical form. The results show that the proposed model is reducible to the Gilbert Model and its performance is validated and compared in different network situations with legacy models.
Jursonovics, T., Z. Butyka, and S. Imre (2008). New fair qos-based charging solution for mobile multimedia streams. International Journal Virtual Technology and Multimedia 1, 3-22. [ bib | DOI ]
In this paper, we present a new streaming proxy based charging architecture for QoS differentiated charging in 3G. We give a short overview of charging concepts in next generation mobile networks and we describe the most important network attributes on which the quality depends. Our goal is to point out the importance of bursty packet loss which determines the quality of the multimedia streaming in contrast with the average loss rate. We propose several methods for QoS differentiated charging which are in compliance with the recommendations of 3GPP. We describe three models which can predict the QoS of a stream. The algorithms are evaluated on a real GPRS streaming flow.
Jursonovics, T., Z. Butyka, and S. Imre (2005). Examination and new charging solution for multimedia streams over mobile network. In The Third International Conference on Advances in mobile Multimedia (MoMM2005), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 311-320. [ bib | .pdf ]
In this paper, we present a new streaming proxy based charging architecture for QoS-differentiated charging in 3G. We describe the most important network attributes which the quality depend on. Our goal is to point out the importance of bursty packet loss which determines the quality of the multimedia streaming in contrast with the average loss rate. We propose several methods for QoS-differentiated charging which are in compliance with the recommendations of 3GPP. We describe three models which can predict the QoS of a stream. The algorithms are evaluated on a real GPRS streaming flow.
Jursonovics, T. and S. Imre (2005). Charging, accounting and billing of multimedia streaming in 3g mobile networks. In 14th IST Mobile Summit 2005, Dresden, Germany, pp. 1-5. [ bib | .pdf ]
In this paper, we describe a CAB model for 3G mobile networks, and we present a new streaming proxy based charging architecture for QoS-differentiated charging in 3G. Our goal is to point out the importance of bursty packet loss, which determines the quality of the multimedia streaming, in contrast with the average loss rate. We propose several methods for QoS-differentiated charging, which are in compliance with the recommendations of 3GPP. We describe three models, which can predict the QoS of a stream. The algorithms are evaluated on a real GPRS streaming flow.
Jursonovics, T. and Z. Butyka (2004). Lokális vezeték nélküli technológiák. Magyar Távközlés 15(2), 14-21. [ bib | .pdf ]
Numerous wireless technologies are already available in the marketplace which are used in fixed or mobile, commercial or industrial applications (e.g. Bluetooth, 802.11 Wi-Fi and different private networks) from low to very high bit rate. The following article is a description of the currently available technologies that can be used for the construction of wireless local networks. The planned primarily to replace the office and wired Ethernet networks. Bluetooth is a short-range, wireless standard, capable of connecting computers or similar devices to each other or to mobile radio equipment or through it to the PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) in wireless mode. And finally we describe the ZigBee standard which has been developed to monitor and supervise various devices in low power wireless networks. We have made an effort to give a comprehensive picture of each technology as well as depicting the expected path of their development.
Jursonovics, T., Z. Butyka, B. Ary, G. Debrei, and S. Imre (2004). Accounting in next generation mobile networks. In ETIK Conference 2004, pp. 42-47. [ bib | .pdf ]
In this paper we present the main differences in charging terminology between the Internet and mobile telecommunications world, than we discuss the principle requirements about accounting in mobile networks. After presenting some business charging models, we discuss our real-time charging model and give some future plans about testing and its implementation facilities.
Jursonovics, T., Z. Butyka, and S. Imre (2004). Multimedia transmission over mobile networks. In SoftCOM2004. [ bib | .pdf ]
In this paper we first present the main theories about multimedia transmissions and than we examine some QoS p arameters of multimedia streaming systems over mobile networks. We used a network emulation environment for monitoring, testing an d examining the IP based streaming protocols.
Jursonovics, T. and Z. Butyka (2003). The implementation and analysis of interactive multimedia mobile services. In 11th Microcoll Conference. [ bib | .pdf ]
In this paper we examined the QoS parameters of multimedia streaming systems over mobile networks. We used a network emulation environment for monitoring, teting and examing the IP based streaming protocols.
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